The world is full of crazy people. Please help preventing them from harming innocent living beings.

Our Compass

PETA Asia (helped by PETA affiliates around the world) has been working hard to shut down the production of cruel “crush” videos, disturbing films in which young girls in “sexy” outfits are videotaped tormenting, abusing, and killing animals—slowly and painfully.

Will you help stop the production of these ghastly videos by taking action online right now?

For more than two years, PETA Asia has been working to end the production, distribution, and sale of these videos, which exploit two of the most vulnerable members of any society—children and animals—and has focused its efforts in the region that may be “ground zero” for the crush-video industry, the Philippines.

These crush videos are made by filming girls stepping, standing, and stomping on and slowly crushing animals—from the smallest of mice to large dogs who are tied down and helpless. They appeal to a niche market of individuals from all over the world…

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