We Live In A Flat

We are too young a blog to be nostalgic! But if you insist Weekly Photo Challenge, here are some pictures from Donna’s first home visit.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Nostalgic

There’s her plastic basket bed with some towels from the shelter. She did not seem too attached to that though. We were advised to let her sleep in the room with us, which has its pros and cons.

Go to sleep Donna.

Think she slept?


The whole night I hear her nails clattering here and there as she couldn’t sleep and kept pacing about the room. Either that or she must be clattering in her sleep. I’ve noticed that she twitches frequently and sometimes lets out little yelps in her dreams.

I could not sleep at all. So out she goes the next night. 😛

I later read that dogs are not nocturnal, but unless they are crate-trained, they are…

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