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Interview with Dr. Ohn-Bar, one of the inhabitants

Haolam: Dr. Ohn-Bar, thank you very much for agreeing to participate in this interview. You were born a daughter of a vegan mother. You live in the vegan village of Amirim, Israel. Together with your husband, you run a guesthouse in Amirim which attracts eco- tourists from all over the world including Germany. How many inhabitants does your village have? Is it a municipality in itself or a kibbutz?

Dr. Ohn-Bar: Amirim is a vegetarian village, not a kibbutz. There are about 160 families here, around 600 people, including children. Just to let you know – as you can see in our website – I am a therapist, with a PhD in natural health sciences and a masters degree in educational psychology, rehab. counseling , psycho-physiology and biofeedback. I am a mother of…

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