Serbian Animals Voice (SAV)


See our other recent post about Japan / dolphin suffering at:              – SAV.

Revealing the Cove Dolphins’ Toxic Secrets

As the killing season nears an end in Taiji, testing shows that dolphin meat sold at Japanese supermarkets is riddled with mercury.

February 11, 2015 By Salvatore Cardoni

Sal holds a political science degree from the George Washington University. He’s written about all things environment since 2007.

With the dolphin-killing season in Taiji, Japan, nearing its expected March 1 end, meat from striped dolphins slain last month in the notorious cove has tested positive for high levels of mercury and for trace but legally safe levels of radiation, said Ric O’Barry of the Dolphin Project on Tuesday.

O’Barry, star of 2009’s Oscar-winning documentary The Cove, which put a global spotlight on the town’s annual hunt, purchased the meat in January from a Taiji supermarket and sent it to…

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